Benefits of Going Digital

Grow Your Business

Whether it’s labor, capacity or operational costs, businesses face many challenges with growth or even keeping pace with demand and competition. The emergence of digital templating and fabrication offers several benefits and solutions to those challenges.

Increase Productivity

Template an average kitchen (60 SF) in less than an hour with one person, allowing you to complete more jobs per week equating to more revenue!

Reduce Consumables, Save Money

Save money by reducing or completely eliminating ongoing spending on materials such as luan, coroplast, glue, staples and more by going digital.

Expand Your Service Offerings

Why limit yourself to just countertops? Template vertical or complex applications such as full-height backsplashes, fireplaces, windows, bathrooms, balustrades and more!

Transfer Files from Jobsite

Create cut-ready digital files in the field, upload them to the cloud for your team back at the shop and move on to your next job. Expedite your process and increase your revenue!

Comprehensive Output Package

Create estimates, shop sheets, signoffs, contracts, saw pages, slab layouts, and jobsite photos into one complete package that keeps all job information together.

Vehicle and Travel Efficiency

Downsize to fuel-efficient cars with compact nature of laser system and elimination of cumbersome physical templates, as well as manual templating tools and accessories.

Eliminate Reworks, Cut Waste

Template, fabricate and install correctly the first time. Save time and money from costly reworks, in-field modifications and unnecessary material waste.

Increase Safety, Reduce Fatigue

No need for ladders or scaffolding to access hard-to-reach areas. Point-and-click templating from a single location reduces operator fatigue and risk of injury.

Drop-In Sinks and More

Select from several DXF files of sinks, outlets and more to add to your template. Add new DXFs to build your library! No DXF available? No problem. Use the LT-2D3D to template it!

Easily Template Complex Jobs

Easily template curves, arches and other complex designs, as well as capture imperfections and contours of walls for accurate measurements and installs.

Save Money & the Environment

Reduce gas consumption, emissions and overall carbon footprint with the use of cars rather than trucks due to the compact design of the LT-2D3D. Reduction of waste and going paperless offers financial and sustainable benefits.

Transition to Digital at Your Pace

Digital templating is the first step in the transition to becoming a fully digital shop, but it doesn’t have to be intimidating. Combined with a vinyl plotter, become more efficient and profitable templating before going fully digital.

Customer Projects

The projects templated by our digital templating system range from basic residential kitchens to high-profile commercial projects.


Check out some videos of the LT-2D3D in action, as well as awesome projects submitted by members of our LPI family!


Unlock the future of your business with our flexible financing options, making the transition to digital more affordable than ever.

Support Package

We offer a comprehensive support package for users who purchase a used LT-2D3D from a third-party, and need support and training.

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Pair the LT-2D3D with LT3Raptor

LT3Raptor is a digital templating platform designed with a robust cloud-based management hub to make you faster and more efficient not only in templating, but ALL areas of your process including job management, programming, and more!